Installation at:
Walnut Contemporary - Toronto - 2017
The Art Emporium - Port Hope - 2018
At the bottom of my grandmother’s garden grew a tall hedge. It flanked a lawn studded with dandelions which I loved to pick. One day, while I was busy gathering, I glanced up. Something glittered in the leaves. It looked like an oval of blue glass. I parted the branches and came nose to nose with the largest doll I had ever seen. She was beautiful.
So I scrambled up to look more closely. The hedge was too thick to pull her through. I went to the end and found her standing in front of a rough wooden fence. Her skin was canvas pale. Scratches raked her torso.
I carried her home and began to collect pieces of fabric to clothe her. I stitched costumes of linen silk and lace.
I shared Beauty with no one. Soon I had no friends. Beauty had taken over my world. She became larger than life .
One rainy morning I shall never forget.
I crept from my bedroom to the back porch where usually she slept on a large pillow. She wasn’t there. Only a pile of her clothes.
I never found out who took her. She may have simply needed to leave me.